It’s already back-to-school time which means you have to start thinking about what to pack in your kids’ lunches! It’s easy to simply throw in a pack of Oreos or a bag of chips, but this is a great opportunity to show your kids that eating healthy is important by making lunch time a healthy time.
First of all, we have a few tips to keep in mind while coming up with healthy lunch options:
-Children eat with their eyes first (including adults!) so think of fun textures and colors! Kids love funny shapes so try cutting your fruit into stars or heart shapes and make “ordinary” food look more kid-friendly!
-Puree fruits or vegetables and “hide” these in their favorite foods if your kid is a picky eater! For instance, try pureeing butternut squash and putting it in their mac ‘n’ cheese.
-Most importantly, be a good example to your kids of healthy eating! If they see mom or dad munching on Cheetos they are going to want the same types of food that you eat when you think your kids aren’t looking. Children like to imitate so be a role model of a healthy lifestyle.
To make school lunch a little easier, we’ve come up with a recipe called “Fruity Caterpillars” that is not only fun, tasty but also healthy…so it’s a win-win! This recipe is easy to make and only requires four ingredients! To learn how to make these watch the video that Courtney Ortego from the Star-Telegram filmed below:
To get more ideas on healthy lunches check out this great post from Keeley McGuire that include gluten-free options that are sure to be a hit with your kiddos!
Also, because it’s back-to-school time, we have a special deal guaranteed to make life easier for you! During your first month of our personal chef service, we will provide you with a free additional dinner! Yep that’s right, you don’t have to worry about grocery shopping or making a mess in the kitchen, leave the cooking to us! You don’t need a special code, just give us a call at (817) 277-3031 and we’ll get you set up!