Do you normally wake up the morning after Thanksgiving feeling tired, bloated and quite sluggish?  We feel your pain! Thanksgiving is one of those days that we all plan ahead for.  We plan to overindulge with all of the drinking, eating and desserts.  Then, the next morning, we regret every decision we made the day before.  It’s because of these behaviors that all of us seem to continually repeat year after year, that we decided to do a little research on a way to combat the  post-thanksgiving slump!

We found a great article explaining 5 simple steps you can take to make sure your pants still fit the next day. We like to call it a “post-Thanksgiving cleanse.” Because I know you are going to try, let me tell you that doing a post-Thanksgiving cleanse is NOT an excuse to eat even more!!

Thank you! 


Post-Thanksgiving Cleanse Savor Culinary Services

“I encourage people to enjoy warm water with juice from half a lemon and some fresh grated ginger upon waking up,”  Jessica Sepel, nutritionist and author of The Clean Life: Rebuilding Your Relationship with Food, Your Body and Your Mind says. “This is something you can do every morning to help detox your system, but especially after a big meal.” The lemon jump-starts your system and flushes out toxins, while ginger has long been used to settle an upset stomach and ease nausea. Throughout the day, Sepel recommends loading up on peppermint or green tea. “Herbal tea is always a great choice to hydrate and detox the body,” she says. “Just be sure you’re drinking plenty of water!”


Post-Thanksgiving Cleanse Savor Culinary Services

Another way to quickly overcome bloating? Go on a brisk walk, which Sepel says will help speed up the digestion process. Then, do a little stretching. “One of my favorite stretches, for digestion and for general calm, is to put my legs up against the wall for 10 to 15 minutes and focus on deep breathing,” she says. “Deep breathing calms the nervous system, which aids digestion.”


Post-Thanksgiving Cleanse Savor Culinary Services

You might be tempted to flush your giant meal down with a glass of water, but don’t. “It’s actually best to not drink much water in the time immediately before and after a meal, because it interrupts digestion,” Sepel explains. “Smalls sips are fine, however.”


Post-Thanksgiving Cleanse Savor Culinary Services

Though fruit might sound like a light, refreshing option compared to the previous night’s heavy Thanksgiving meal, Sepel says to avoid eating it on a full stomach. Why? Apparently, the acids will ferment in your stomach and lead to gas and bloating. Yikes. “Starting the day with fruit and having it as a snack between meals is ideal,” she says.


Post-Thanksgiving Cleanse Savor Culinary Services

If your stomach has expanded to the shape of a small balloon, consider chewing on some raw fennel. “It sounds strange, but it works magic on bloating!” Sepel says. Recent studies have found that fennel can increase the production of bile (a good thing, in this case) and may even have diuretic, pain-reducing, and anti-microbial properties. Plus, it’s supposed to taste a bit like licorice, so think of it as your post-dessert snack.

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